Theory compUCisRC

theory compUCisRC

context compUC

section "Computational UC"

abbreviation comp_emulates:: "'uc prgm  'uc prgm  bool" (infixl "computationally-emulates" 45)
  "comp_emulates P F   A .  (S::'uc ctxt) .  Z  ZClass.
   PrExec Z A P True  PrExec Z S F True"

fun tprob :: "('t×real×nat)  real"
  where "tprob (t,p,n) = p" 

fun ttrace :: "('t×real×nat)  't"
  where "ttrace (t,p,n) = t" 

lemma sum_reindex:
  assumes "bij_betw f A B"
    shows "sum (g  f) A = sum g B"
by (simp add: assms sum.reindex_bij_betw)

(* interpret T for a fixed Z and n as a random variable *)
fun RV :: "('t×real×nat) set  'env  nat  real"
  where "RV T Z n = (case (csum2 tprob {(t,p,n')  T . n'=n  prefix t  β(t)  possible Z t n})
    of  None  -1 | Some x  x)"

lemma RV_Behav:
  fixes A:: "'uc ctxt"
  fixes P:: "'uc prgm"
  fixes Z:: "'env"
  assumes Znonprob: "nonprobabilistic Z"
  shows "RV (Behav (A >< P)) Z = PrExec Z A P True"
proof -
  let ?T = "Behav (A >< P)"
  have " n .( (RV(?T) Z n) = (PrExec Z A P True n))" 
    fix n
    let ?S0 = "{(t,p,n')  ?T . n'=n  prefix t  β(t)  possible Z t n}"
    have L1: "RV ?T Z n  = (case (csum2 tprob ?S0) of  None  -1 | Some x  x)" by simp
    let ?S1 = "{(t,p,n') .  PrExecT (Zcan t) A P t n' = p  p>0  n'=n  prefix t  β(t)  possible Z t n}"
    let ?S2 = "{t . PrExecT (Zcan t) A P t n >0   prefix t  β(t)  possible Z t n}"
    let ?S2' = "{t . PrExecT (Zcan t) A P t n  0   prefix t  β(t)  possible Z t n}"
    let ?S3 = "{t .  prefix t  β(t)  possible Z t n}" 
    let ?S4 = "{t .  prefix t  β(t)}" 

    have "?S0 = ?S1" using relation_uc by simp
    hence "csum2 tprob ?S0 = csum2 tprob ?S1" by auto
    moreover have
       "... = csum (λ t . PrExecT (Zcan t) A P t n) ?S2"
        let ?f = "ttrace"
        let ?g = "λ t . PrExecT (Zcan t) A P t n"
        have "bij_betw ?f ?S1 ?S2" 
          proof -
            have A: "inj_on ?f ?S1" by (simp add: inj_on_def) 
            have B: "?f ` ?S1  ?S2" by force 
            have C: "?f ` ?S1  ?S2" by force            
            from A B C show ?thesis by (simp add: bij_betw_def)        
        from this csum_reindex have "csum2 (?g  ?f) ?S1 = csum ?g ?S2" by auto
        thus ?thesis using csum2_cong by (smt (z3) case_prodE comp_apply mem_Collect_eq tprob.simps ttrace.simps)  
    moreover have "... = csum (λ t . PrExecT (Zcan t) A P t n) ?S3 "
      using Zcan_possible possible2 by force     
    moreover have "... = csum (λ t . PrExecT Z A P t n) ?S3"
      using Znonprob Zcan_nonprob Zcan_possible env_fixes_io by presburger 
    moreover have "... = csum (λ t . PrExecT Z A P t n) ?S4 "
    proof -
      from possible PrExecT_unit_interval_min
        have " t. ¬ (possible Z t n)  PrExecT Z A P t n = 0" 
          by (metis order_less_le)
        thus ?thesis
          by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) Zcan_nonprob Zcan_possible assms env_fixes_io possible possible2) 
    ultimately have "csum2 tprob ?S0 = csum (λ t . PrExecT Z A P t n) ?S4 " by auto
    thus "RV ?T Z n = PrExec Z A P True n"  using L1 prefixes_contain_final_bit by simp  
  hence "RV(?T) Z = PrExec Z A P True " by blast
  thus ?thesis by simp

fun compindstep
  where "compindstep T' =  { T . ( Z . nonprobabilistic Z  RV T Z  RV T' Z )}"

lemma compindstep_mono:
  "T  compindstep T"
proof -
  have " Z . RV T Z  RV T Z" by auto
  thus ?thesis by auto

lemma Behav_to_ind:
  fixes A A':: "'uc ctxt"
  fixes P P':: "'uc prgm"
  assumes A: "Behav(A >< P)  compindstep (Behav (A' >< P'))"
  shows " Z . nonprobabilistic Z  PrExec Z A P True  PrExec Z A' P' True"
proof -
  let ?T="Behav(A >< P)"
  let ?T'="Behav(A' >< P')"
  from A have "  Z . ( nonprobabilistic Z  RV ?T Z  RV ?T' Z) " by simp
  thus ?thesis using RV_Behav by metis

text "To prove equivalence using the generalizations, define a compeq relation"

fun compeq (infix "" 50)
  "T1  T2 =
     ( Z  ZClass . nonprobabilistic Z  (RV T1 Z)  (RV T2 Z))"

abbreviation compRHC where "compRHC C  RRHC (≅) C"

fun compHyper
  where "compHyper P = {T .  S .  Z  ZClass . nonprobabilistic Z  (RV T Z)  PrExec Z S P True }"

abbreviation compHyperSet :: "(('t × real × nat) hyperprop set)"
  where "compHyperSet  {H .  F. H = compHyper F}"

lemma compHyperRHyper:
  "compHyper (F::'uc prgm) = r_hyper (≅) F"
  have "compHyper F = {T .  (S::'uc ctxt) .  Z  ZClass . nonprobabilistic Z  (RV T Z)  (RV (Behav (S><F)) Z)}" 
    using RV_Behav by simp
  also have " ... = r_hyper (≅) F" by simp
  finally show ?thesis by auto

theorem compHyperRHyper_Sets:
  "compHyperSet = (r_hyperSet (uctype::'uc itself) (≅))"
  using compHyperRHyper by simp

text "Now we show compRHC and RHPX compHyperSet equivalent"

(* Ethan: I wanted to embed this into the proof below,
      but trying to do sub-proofs by contradiction didn't work the way I expected, so I pulled it out. *)
lemma nonprob_env_one:
  fixes A S :: "'uc ctxt"
  assumes Znonprob: " Z  ZClass . nonprobabilistic Z  PrExec Z A P True  PrExec Z S F True"
  shows " (S'::'uc ctxt) .  Z  ZClass . PrExec Z A P True  PrExec Z S' F True"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume CF: " (S'::'uc ctxt) .  Z  ZClass . PrExec Z A P True  PrExec Z S' F True"
  thus False
    from CF have " (S'::'uc ctxt) .  Z  ZClass . ¬ (PrExec Z A P True  PrExec Z S' F True)" by auto
    hence " Z  ZClass . ¬ (PrExec Z A P True  PrExec Z S F True)" by auto
    then obtain Z :: "'env" where "Z  ZClass  ¬ (PrExec Z A P True  PrExec Z S F True)" by auto
    hence " Z'  ZClass . ¬ (PrExec Z' A P True  PrExec Z' S F True)  nonprobabilistic Z'"
      using nonprobabilistic_envs_are_sound_comp by blast
    then obtain Z' :: "'env" where BadZ : "Z'  ZClass  ¬ (PrExec Z' A P True  PrExec Z' S F True)  nonprobabilistic Z'" by auto
    from this Znonprob have "PrExec Z' A P True  PrExec Z' S F True" by auto
    from this BadZ show False by auto

lemma nonprob_env:
  fixes P F :: "'uc prgm"
  fixes A :: "'uc ctxt"
  shows "( S .  Z  ZClass . PrExec Z A P True  PrExec Z S F True)
      = ( S .  Z  ZClass . nonprobabilistic Z  PrExec Z A P True  PrExec Z S F True)"
  assume "( S .  Z  ZClass . PrExec Z A P True  PrExec Z S F True)"
  thus "( S .  Z  ZClass . nonprobabilistic Z  PrExec Z A P True  PrExec Z S F True)" by auto
  assume "( S .  Z  ZClass . nonprobabilistic Z  PrExec Z A P True  PrExec Z S F True)"
  thus "( S .  Z  ZClass . PrExec Z A P True  PrExec Z S F True)" using nonprob_env_one by auto

lemma UCisEmul:
  fixes P F :: "'uc prgm"
  shows "(F  r_emul (≅) P uct) = (P computationally-emulates F)"
  have "(F  r_emul (≅) P uct) = ( A .  (S::'uc ctxt) .  Z  ZClass.
          nonprobabilistic Z  (RV (Behav(A >< P)) Z)  (RV (Behav(S >< F)) Z))"
    by simp
  also have "... = ( A .  (S::'uc ctxt) .  Z  ZClass. nonprobabilistic Z  PrExec Z A P True  PrExec Z S F True)"
    using RV_Behav by auto
  also have "... = ( A .  (S::'uc ctxt) .  Z  ZClass. PrExec Z A P True  PrExec Z S F True)"
    using nonprob_env by auto
  finally show ?thesis by simp


text "Specialize the robust compilation results to computations equivalence"

context compUCisRC

(* Prove that ≈ is an equivalence relation. Transitivity is nontrivial. *)
lemma comp_ind_refl: "f  f" by simp

lemma comp_ind_sym: "f  g  g  f" by (simp add: abs_minus_commute)

lemma frac_pow_le:
  fixes n k :: "nat"
  assumes nTwo: "n > 1"
  shows "2/(n^(k+1))  1/(n^k)"
  have "0  2/n" by auto
  moreover have "2/n  1" using nTwo by auto
  ultimately have "2/n * 1/(n^k)  1/(n^k)" using divide_right_mono by fastforce
  thus ?thesis by auto

lemma comp_ind_trans_help:
  fixes f g h :: "nat  real"
  fixes k N0 N1 :: "nat"
  assumes compFG: " n > N0 . abs((f n) - (g n)) < 1/(n^(k+1))"
  assumes compGH: " n > N1 . abs((g n) - (h n)) < 1/(n^(k+1))"
  shows " (N::nat) .  (n::nat) > N . abs((f n) - (h n)) < 1/(n^k)"
  let ?N = "max 1 (max N0 N1)"
  show " (n::nat) > ?N . abs((f n) - (h n)) < 1/(n^k)"
  proof fix n :: nat show "n > ?N  abs((f n) - (h n)) < 1/(n^k)"
      assume nLarge: "n > ?N"
      then have nGt1: "n > 1" by auto
      moreover have "abs((f n) - (g n)) < 1/(n^(k+1))" using nLarge compFG by auto
      moreover have "abs((g n) - (h n)) < 1/(n^(k+1))" using nLarge compGH by auto
      ultimately have "abs((f n) - (h n)) < 2/(n^(k+1))" by fastforce
      thus "abs((f n) - (h n)) < 1/(n^k)" using nGt1 frac_pow_le of_nat_power by (smt (verit))

lemma comp_ind_trans:
  assumes compFG: "f  g"
  assumes compGH: "g  h"
  shows "f  h"
  fix k::"nat"
  obtain N0::"nat" where N0bound: " n > N0 . abs((f n) - (g n)) < 1/(n^(k+1))"
    using compFG of_nat_power by metis
  obtain N1::"nat" where N1bound: " n > N1 . abs((g n) - (h n)) < 1/(n^(k+1))"
    using compGH of_nat_power by metis
  show " N .  n > N . abs((f n) - (h n)) < (1::real)/(n^k)"
    using N0bound N1bound comp_ind_trans_help by auto

(* Specialize the general robust compilation result using ≅. *)
interpretation compRC : GenRC "(≅)" C
  show " T . T  T" using comp_ind_refl by simp
  show " T0 T1 T2 . T0  T1  T1  T2  T0  T2" using comp_ind_trans by auto

theorem compRHCeqUC: "compRHC C = ( P . (C P) computationally-emulates P)"
  have "compRHC C = RRHC (≅) C" by simp
  also have "... = ( P . P  r_emul (≅) (C P) (uct::'uc itself))" using compRC.RHCeqEmul by auto
  finally show ?thesis using UCisEmul by auto

theorem compRHCisRHPX: "RHPX tt compHyperSet C = compRHC C"
  have "RHPX tt compHyperSet C = RHPX tt (r_hyperSet uct (≅)) C"
    using compHyperRHyper_Sets by simp
  also have "... = RRHC (≅) C" using compRC.RHPXeqRRHC by auto
  finally show ?thesis by simp

theorem RHPXeqUC:
  "RHPX tt compHyperSet C = ( P . (C P) computationally-emulates P)"
  using compRHCisRHPX compRHCeqUC by auto

