Theory RobustCompilation

theory RobustCompilation

section "Basic Notions"

datatype ('color) prgm = Prgrm 'color
datatype ('color) ctxt = Ctxt 'color
datatype ('color) whle = Whle 'color

type_synonym ('b,'r) comp = "'b prgm  'r prgm"

(* TODO see if we can get rid of this *)
partial_function (tailrec) oddity :: "nat => nat"
where "oddity arg = (case arg of (Suc (Suc n)) => n | 0 => 0 )"

  link:: "'b ctxt  'b prgm  'b whle" (infixl "><" 55) 
  ple :: "'c whle  'd whle  bool" (infixl "" 50)

section "Refinement"

abbreviation RRgen:: "('r whle  'b whle  bool)  'r prgm  'b prgm  bool" 
  "RRgen rel (p::'r prgm) (f::'b prgm)  
     (A::'r ctxt).  (S::'b ctxt). rel (A >< p) (S >< f)"

abbreviation RR:: "'r prgm  'b prgm  bool" ("_ robustly-refines _" [20,20] 17)
  "RR p f  RRgen ple p f"

text "Refinement by trace inclusion"

  leadsto :: "'a whle  't  bool" (infixr "" 51)
  prefix :: "'t  bool"

fun Behav :: "'a whle  't set"
    "Behav(W) = { t . W  t}"

section "RSCHP"

abbreviation RSCHPrel
  "RSCHPrel (t:: 't itself) W W'  
        ( m :: 't . prefix m   W  m   W'  m)"

abbreviation RSCHP
  "RSCHP C (t:: 't itself)   P . RRgen (RSCHPrel (t:: 't itself)) (C P) P"

abbreviation RSCHPXrel 
  "RSCHPXrel (t:: 't itself) T (W::'r whle) (W'::'b whle) ≡
         Behav(W)⊆ T ⟶ Behav(W')⊆T"

abbreviation RSCHPX (* Equivalent to other definition of RSCHPX *)
  "RSCHPX (X:: 't set set set) C (t:: 't itself) ≡ ∀ T ∈ X . ∀ P . RRgen (RSCHPXrel (t:: 't itself) T) (C P) P"

section "RHP"

abbreviation RHPrel
  "RHPrel (t:: 't itself) W W'  
        ( m :: 't . prefix m   (W  m  W'  m))"

abbreviation RHP
  "RHP C (t:: 't itself)   P . RRgen (RHPrel (t:: 't itself)) (C P) P"

section "RHP(X), for computational UC"

type_synonym ('t) traceprop = "('t) set"
type_synonym ('t) hyperprop = "('t set) set"

abbreviation RHPXj (* definition of RHP(X) from journey paper, to prove equivalence *)
  "RHPXj (t:: 't itself) (X:: ('t hyperprop) set) C  
    H  X .  P . 
      ( S . Behav(S >< P)H)  ( A . Behav(A >< C P)H)"

abbreviation RHPXrel 
  "RHPXrel (t:: 't itself) H (W::'r whle) (W'::'b whle) 
         Behav(W') H  Behav(W)H"

abbreviation RHPX (* definition of RHP(X) that uses RRgen for uniform structure here *)
  "RHPX (t:: 't itself) (X:: ('t hyperprop) set) C 
     HX . P . RRgen (RHPXrel t H) (C P) P"

lemma "RHPXj t X C = RHPX t X C"
proof -
  fix t
  have "RHPXj t X C = (HX. P A. 
        (S. Behav (S >< P) H)  Behav (A >< C P)  H)" by auto
  moreover have "... = 
  (HX. P A.  S .(Behav (S >< P) H)  Behav (A >< C P)  H)" by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis by auto

text "Generalized robust preservation properties"

abbreviation RRHCrel
  "RRHCrel (R :: 't set  't set  bool) W W'  R (Behav W) (Behav W')"

abbreviation RRHC
  "RRHC R C   P . RRgen (RRHCrel R) (C P) P"

fun r_hyper
  where "r_hyper (R::'t set  't set  bool) F = {T .  S . R T (Behav(S >< F))}"

fun r_hyperSet
  where "r_hyperSet (lang::'l itself) (R::'t set  't set  bool) = {H .  (F::'l prgm) . H = r_hyper R F}"

fun r_emul
  where "r_emul R (P::'p prgm) (ft::'f itself) = {F::'f prgm .  A . Behav(A >< P)  r_hyper R F}"

text "Prove these properties are equivalent to each other"

declare [[show_types ]]

locale GenRC =
  fixes R :: "'t set  't set  bool"
  assumes r_refl : " T . R T T"
  assumes r_trans : " T0 T1 T2 . R T0 T1  R T1 T2  R T0 T2"
  fixes C :: "('f,'p) comp"


lemma EmulSet_contain_subset:
  fixes P :: "'p prgm"
  fixes F :: "'f prgm"
  fixes ft :: "'f itself"
  shows "F  r_emul R P ft  (r_emul R F ft)  (r_emul R P ft)"
  using r_refl r_trans by fastforce

theorem RHPXeqEmul:
  fixes tt::"'t itself"
  fixes ft :: "'f itself"
  shows "RHPX tt (r_hyperSet ft R) C = ( P . P  r_emul R (C P) ft)"
  have "RHPX tt (r_hyperSet ft R) C
      = ( H. ( (F::'f prgm). H = r_hyper R F)  ( P A. S. Behav (S >< P)  H  Behav (A >< C P)  H))"
    by simp
  also have "... =  ( P (F::'f prgm) A. S. Behav (S >< P)  r_hyper R F  Behav (A >< C P)  r_hyper R F)"
    by blast
  also have "... = ( P (F::'f prgm). (F  r_emul R P ft)  (F  r_emul R (C P) ft))"
    by simp
  also have "... = ( P . r_emul R P ft  r_emul R (C P) ft)" by auto
  also have "... = ( P . P  r_emul R (C P) ft)"
    using r_refl r_trans EmulSet_contain_subset by (metis (mono_tags, lifting))
  finally show ?thesis by auto

theorem RHCeqEmul:
  fixes ft :: "'f itself"
  shows "RRHC R C = (P. P  r_emul R (C P) ft)"
  have "RRHC R C = (P A .  (S::'f ctxt) . R (Behav(A >< C P)) (Behav(S >< P)))"
    by simp
  also have "... = (P . P  r_emul R (C P) ft)" by simp
  finally show ?thesis by auto

theorem RHPXeqRRHC:
  fixes tt::"'t itself"
  fixes ft :: "'f itself"
  shows "RHPX tt (r_hyperSet ft R) C = RRHC R C"
  have "RHPX tt (r_hyperSet ft R) C = ( P . P  r_emul R (C P) ft)"
    using r_refl r_trans RHPXeqEmul by auto
  also have "... = RRHC R C" using RHCeqEmul by auto
  finally show ?thesis by auto


lemma RRHC_multiRel:
  fixes R0 R1 :: "'t set  't set  bool"
  assumes Strength: " T0 T1 . R0 T0 T1  R1 T0 T1"
  fixes C :: "('f,'p) comp"
  assumes RHC_R0: "RRHC R0 C"
  shows "RRHC R1 C"
  using RHC_R0 Strength by blast
