Theory perfUCisRC

theory perfUCisRC

section "Requirements for UC-style compositionality"

datatype ('color) prgm = Prgrm 'color
datatype ('color) ctxt = Ctxt 'color
datatype ('color) whle = Whle 'color

partial_function (tailrec) oddity :: "nat => nat"
where "oddity arg = (case arg of (Suc (Suc n)) => n | 0 => 0 )"

  call:: "'blue prgm  'red prgm  'blue prgm" (infixr "∘∘"  60)
  bigcall:: "'blue whle  'red whle  'blue whle" (infixr "∘∘∘" 52)
  par:: "'blue ctxt  'red ctxt  'blue ctxt" (infixl "" 60)
  link:: "'b ctxt  'b prgm  'b whle" (infixl "><" 55) 
  ple :: "'c whle  'd whle  bool" (infixl "" 50)

abbreviation RRgen:: "('r whle  'b whle  bool)  'r prgm  'b prgm  bool" 
  "RRgen rel (p::'r prgm) (f::'b prgm)  
     (A::'r ctxt).  (S::'b ctxt). rel (A >< p) (S >< f)"

abbreviation RR:: "'r prgm  'b prgm  bool" ("_ robustly-refines _" [20,20] 17)
  "RR p f  RRgen ple p f"

locale composition =
  assumes par_decomp: (* parallel decomposition (for pink programs using red programs) *)
  " (A::'p ctxt) (P1::'p prgm) (P2::'r prgm) .
              (A1::'p ctxt) (A2::'r ctxt).
      A >< P1 ∘∘ P2  A1  A2 >< P1 ∘∘ P2"
  and inter_comp: (* intertwined composition (dito) *)
  " (P1::'p prgm) (P2::'r prgm) 
              (A1::'p ctxt) (A2::'r ctxt).
       A1  A2 >< P1 ∘∘ P2  A1 >< P1 ∘∘∘ A2 >< P2"
  and inter_decomp: (* intertwined composition (for pink programs using blue programs) *)
  " (P1::'p prgm) (P2::'b prgm) A1 A2 .
    A1 >< P1 ∘∘∘ A2 >< P2     A1  A2 >< P1 ∘∘ P2 "
  and  const_elim: (* constant elimination (for plugging substituting red with blue in pink contexts*)
  " (redW::'r whle) (blueW::'b whle) (pinkW::'p whle) .
       ( (redW  blueW)  ( pinkW ∘∘∘ redW  pinkW ∘∘∘ blueW))"
  and transitivity [simp,trans]: (* transitivity of trace relation for pink programs *)
  "(W1::'p whle)  (W2::'p whle)
      W2  (W3::'p whle)   W1  W3"

(* new axioms for dummy adversary theorem *)
locale dummy =
 (* dummy context and program *)
 fixes Pd::"'r prgm" (* Z→Pd ⇒ Z→Psub, A→Pd⇒ undefined  , Psub→Pd⇒ Psub⇒Z, *)
 fixes Ad::"'r ctxt" (* Z→Ad ⇒ Z→P,    P→ Ad ⇒ P→Z *)
 assumes adv_split:
 " A (P::'r prgm) .  A' . A >< Pd∘∘P  (A'  Ad) >< Pd∘∘P" 
 and prog_unsplit: 
 "(A::'r ctxt) (P::'b prgm) .  (A'::'b ctxt) . A >< (Pd ∘∘ P)  A' >< P"  
 and prog_split:
 "(A::'r ctxt) (P::'r prgm) .  (A'::'r ctxt) . A >< P   A' >< (Pd ∘∘ P)"  
 and  const_elim2: (* constant elimination for red contexts *)
 "(redW::'r whle) (blueW::'b whle) (W::'r whle) .
       ( (redW  blueW)  ( W ∘∘∘ redW  W ∘∘∘ blueW))"
 and inter_comp2: (* intertwined composition (for red  programs) *)
 "(P1::'r prgm) (P2::'r prgm) 
              (A1::'r ctxt) (A2::'r ctxt).
       A1  A2 >< P1 ∘∘ P2  A1 >< P1 ∘∘∘ A2 >< P2"
 and inter_decomp2: (* intertwined composition (for pink programs using blue programs) *)
 " (P1::'r prgm) (P2::'b prgm) A1 A2.
    A1 >< P1 ∘∘∘ A2 >< P2    A1  A2 >< P1 ∘∘ P2 "
 and transitivity2 [trans]: (* transitivity of trace relation for red programs *)
 "(W1::'r whle)  (W2::'r whle); W2  (W3::'r whle)  W1  W3"
 and transitivity3 [trans]: (* transitivity of trace relation from red-to-red to red-to-blue  *)
 "(W1'::'r whle)  (W2'::'r whle); W2'  (W3'::'b whle)  W1'  W3'" 
context dummy

theorem dummy:
  fixes P::"'r prgm"
  fixes F::"'b prgm"
  assumes A: "  (S::'b ctxt) . Ad >< P  S >< F"
shows " (A::'r ctxt).  (S::'b ctxt) . A >< P  S >< F"
  fix A 
  from prog_split obtain A' where "A >< P  A' >< (Pd ∘∘ P)" by auto
  also obtain  A'' where "...  A''  Ad >< Pd ∘∘ P" using adv_split by auto 
  also have "...  (A'' >< Pd) ∘∘∘ (Ad >< P)" using inter_comp2 by blast
  also obtain S where "...  (A'' >< Pd) ∘∘∘ (S >< F)" using A const_elim2 by blast
  also have "...  ((A''  S) >< (Pd ∘∘ F))" using inter_decomp2 by blast
  also obtain S' where "...  S' >< F" using prog_unsplit by blast
  finally have Almost:"A >< P  S' >< F".
  thus " (S::'b ctxt) . A >< P  S >< F" by auto

context composition

theorem composition:
  fixes P::"'r prgm"
  fixes F::"'b prgm"
  fixes R::"'p prgm"
  assumes A: "P robustly-refines F"
  shows "R ∘∘ P robustly-refines R ∘∘ F"
  fix A
  from par_decomp obtain A1 A2 where "(A >< R ∘∘ P)  ((A1::'p ctxt)  (A2:: 'r ctxt) >< R ∘∘ P)" by presburger
  also have  "...   (A1 >< R ∘∘∘ A2 >< P)" by (simp add:inter_comp)
  finally have OK:"(A >< R ∘∘ P)   (A1 >< R ∘∘∘ A2 >< P)".
  from A obtain S2 where "(A2 >< P)  (S2 >< F)" by auto
  hence "(A1 >< R) ∘∘∘ (A2 >< P)  (A1 >< R) ∘∘∘ (S2 >< F)" by (simp add:const_elim)
  also have "...  (A1  S2) >< (R ∘∘ F)" by (simp add:inter_decomp)
  finally have  "(A1 >< R) ∘∘∘ (A2 >< P)  (A1  S2) >< (R ∘∘ F)".
  from this OK have "(A >< R ∘∘ P)  (A1  S2) >< (R ∘∘ F)" by (meson transitivity)   
  then show " S . (A >< R ∘∘ P)  S >< (R ∘∘ F)" by metis


section "Relating UC to RSCP"

type_synonym ('b,'r) comp = "'b prgm  ('r prgm) option"

       leadsto :: "'a whle  't  bool" (infixr "" 51)
       prefix :: "'t  bool"

(* We instantiate RSCHP from RRgen above for modularity. *)
abbreviation RSCHPrel
  "RSCHPrel (t:: 't itself) W W'  ( m :: 't . prefix m   W  m   W'  m)"

abbreviation RSCHP
  "RSCHP C (t:: 't itself)   P. (case C P of 
              Some CP   RRgen (RSCHPrel (t:: 't itself)) (CP) P
              | None  True 

locale UC = 
  fixes PrExec  :: "'env  'uc ctxt  'uc prgm  bool  real"
  fixes PrExecT :: "'env  'uc ctxt  'uc prgm  't  real"
    (* Note: PrExec and PrExecT are total function. Hence, when the random vars Exec or ExecT are
       undefined, we give them probability zero.  *)
  fixes β :: "'t  bool" (* extracts final bit from trace *) 
  fixes Zcan :: "'t  'env" (* canonical Z: produces messages to A and P as specified by t *)
  fixes nonprobabilistic :: "'env  bool"
  (* assumptions needed in both directions *)
  assumes relation_uc: (* We can define a semantic's from UC's semantics. *)
    "prefix t   (A >< P)  (t,p)  (PrExecT (Zcan t) A P t) = p  p > 0"
  and prefix_iff_trace_is_prefix: (* PL-level trace (i.e., tuple) is prefix is the UC trace in it is. *)
    "prefix (t::'t,p::real)  prefix t"

  (* only needed in RSCHPtoUC *)
  and prefixes_contain_final_bit: (* every finite trace contains the final bit *)
    "PrExec Z A P b = ( t  {t. prefix t  β t = b}  . PrExecT Z A P t)"
  and nonprobabilistic_envs_are_complete:
    "( Z b. PrExec Z A P b  PrExec Z S F b)  ( Z' . PrExec Z' A P True  PrExec Z' S F True  nonprobabilistic Z')"  
  and construct_canonical_env:
    "nonprobabilistic Z;  prefix t; ( A' P' . PrExecT Z A' P' t > 0)   PrExecT Z A P t = PrExecT (Zcan t) A P t"

  (* only needed in UCtoRSCHP *)
  and construct_canonical_env2:
    "prefix t   PrExecT (Zcan t) A P t = PrExec (Zcan t) A P True"

  (* axioms of probabilities *)
  and unit_interval: "PrExec Z A P True = 1- PrExec Z A P False"
  and unit_interval_min: "PrExec Z A P b  0"
  and PrExecT_unit_interval_min: "PrExecT Z A P t  0"

context UC

abbreviation UCemulates:: "'uc prgm  'uc prgm  bool" (infixl "UC-emulates" 45)
  "UCemulates P F   A .  (S::'uc ctxt) .  (Z::'env). 
    (PrExec Z A P True = PrExec Z S F True)"

lemma UCemulates_reflexive:
  fixes P::"'uc prgm"
  shows "P UC-emulates P"
  by metis

lemma difference_in_sum' :
  fixes f:: "'a  real"
  fixes g:: "'a  real"
  assumes A:" ( x P . f x) > (x  P . g x)"
  shows " xP . f x > g x "
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume CF: "¬( xP . f x > g x)"
  then show "False" 
  proof -
    from CF have " x P.  f x   g x" by auto
    hence "x.  (xP  f x  g x)" by simp
    from this sum_mono have "(xP. f x)  (xP. g x)" by metis
    thus "False" using A by arith 

lemma distinguishingZ_differentTrace:
  assumes A: "PrExecT Z A P t  PrExecT Z S F t"
  and  B: "PrExecT Z A P t > 0"
  and Z : "nonprobabilistic Z"
  and T : "prefix t"
  shows " p ::real .(A >< P)  (t,p)  ¬((S >< F)  (t,p))"
proof -
  from B have t_possible_in_Z: " A' P' . PrExecT Z A' P' t > 0" by auto
  from Z construct_canonical_env A T t_possible_in_Z have A':"PrExecT (Zcan t) A P t  PrExecT (Zcan t) S F t" by fastforce
  from Z construct_canonical_env B T have B': "PrExecT (Zcan t) A P t > 0" by fastforce

  let ?p = "PrExecT (Zcan t) A P t"
  from relation_uc B' have Yes: "(A >< P)  (t,?p)" by blast
  have No: "¬((S >< F)  (t,?p))"
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume C:"¬¬(S >< F)  (t,?p)"
    show "False"
    proof -
      from C relation_uc T have "(PrExecT (Zcan t) S F t) = ?p  ?p > 0" by metis
      hence "PrExecT (Zcan t) S F t = ?p" by auto
      from this A' show "False" by simp
  from Yes No show ?thesis by auto

lemma greater_to_unequal_and_nonzero:
  assumes Greater: "PrExecT Z A P t > PrExecT Z S F t"
  shows "PrExecT Z A P t  PrExecT Z S F t  PrExecT Z A P t > 0"
proof -
  from PrExecT_unit_interval_min have "PrExecT Z S F t   0" by simp
  from this Greater have B:"PrExecT Z A P t > 0" by fastforce 
  from this Greater show ?thesis by auto

lemma PrExec_bit_selects_inequality:
  assumes "PrExec Z A P True  PrExec Z' A' P' True"
  shows " b. PrExec Z A P b > PrExec Z' A' P' b"
proof -
        (A) "PrExec Z A P True > PrExec Z' A' P' True" 
      | (B) "PrExec Z A P True < PrExec Z' A' P' True"
     using assms by fastforce 
  then show ?thesis 
  proof cases
    case A then show ?thesis by auto
    case B then show ?thesis using unit_interval by auto

theorem RSCHPtoUC':
  fixes C ::"('uc,'uc) comp"
  fixes ttype :: "('t × real) itself"
  fixes P::"'uc prgm"
  fixes CP::"'uc prgm"
  assumes CP: "C P = Some CP"
  assumes A: " A:: 'uc ctxt .  S::'uc ctxt.
                  (m:: ('t × real)). prefix m   A >< CP  m  S >< P  m"
  shows " CP UC-emulates P"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume CF: "¬ CP UC-emulates P"
  then show "False" 
  proof -
     from CF obtain A::"'uc ctxt" where CF1:" (S::'uc ctxt) .  (Z::'env).
       PrExec Z A (CP) True  PrExec Z S P True" by auto

    from A obtain S::"'uc ctxt" where
      A1: " (m:: ('t × real)). prefix m   A >< CP  m  S >< P  m" by blast

    from CF1 have " Z . PrExec Z A CP True  PrExec Z S P True"
      by auto
       " Z . PrExec Z A CP True  PrExec Z S P True  nonprobabilistic Z" 
      using nonprobabilistic_envs_are_complete by metis
    then obtain Z::"'env" 
      where "PrExec Z A (CP) True  PrExec Z S P True"
      and Prob: "nonprobabilistic Z"
      by auto

    (* Need to select a bit here so that one is larger than the other.*)
    then obtain b::"bool" where "PrExec Z A (CP) b > PrExec Z S P b"
        using PrExec_bit_selects_inequality by metis
      hence "( t {t. prefix t  β t= b} . 
        PrExecT Z A (CP) t) > ( t{t . prefix t  β t = b} . PrExecT Z S P t)" 
      using prefixes_contain_final_bit by simp
    then obtain t::"'t" 
        where "PrExecT Z A (CP) t > PrExecT Z S P t"
        and Prefix: "prefix t" using difference_in_sum' by fastforce
    then have "PrExecT Z A (CP) t  PrExecT Z S P t"
         and  "PrExecT Z A (CP) t > 0"
         using greater_to_unequal_and_nonzero by auto
    then obtain p::"real" where "A >< (CP)  (t,p)  ¬((S >< P)  (t,p)) "
         using Prob Prefix distinguishingZ_differentTrace by metis
    moreover have "prefix (t,p)" using Prefix prefix_iff_trace_is_prefix by auto
    ultimately show False using A1 by fastforce

theorem RSCHPtoUC:
  fixes C ::"('uc,'uc) comp"
  fixes ttype :: "('t × real) itself"
  assumes A: "RSCHP C ttype"
  shows " (P::'uc prgm) . case C P of Some CP  CP UC-emulates P | None  True"
  fix P
  show "case C P of Some CP  CP UC-emulates P | None  True"
  proof (cases "C P")
    case None
    then show ?thesis by simp
    case A1: (Some CP)
    hence A2:"
         A. S. m. prefix (m::('t × real)) 
                           A >< CP  m  S >< P  m
         " by (smt (verit, best) A1 assms option.simps(5))  
    then show ?thesis using RSCHPtoUC' A1 A2 by simp 

theorem UCtoRSCHP:
  fixes C ::"('uc,'uc) comp"
  fixes ttype :: "('t × real) itself"
  assumes A1: " (P::'uc prgm) . case C P of Some CP  CP UC-emulates P | None  True"
  shows "RSCHP C ttype"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume CF: "¬ (RSCHP C ttype)"
  then show "False" 
  proof -
    from CF obtain P  where  CF':"
          ¬( case C P of None  True
          | Some CP 
              A. S. m :: ('t × real). prefix m 
                          A >< CP  m  S >< P  m)" by auto
    hence " CP . C P = Some CP"   using option.simps(4) by fastforce
    then obtain CP where SomeCP: "C P  = Some (CP::'uc prgm)" by auto
    from CF' SomeCP have "¬(A. S. m :: ('t × real). prefix m 
                          A >< CP  m  S >< P  m)" by auto
    then obtain A where  NotRSCHP: " (S::'uc ctxt).
      ( m :: ('t × real) . prefix m  (A >< (CP::'uc prgm)  m)  ¬(S >< P  m))" by auto
    from A1 SomeCP have "CP UC-emulates P "  by (smt (verit, del_insts) option.simps(5)) 
    then obtain S where Eq: " (Z::'env) . (PrExec Z A (CP) True = PrExec Z S P True)" by blast
    from NotRSCHP have
      "(  (t::'t) (p::real) . prefix (t,p)  (A >< (CP)  (t,p))  ¬(S >< P  (t,p)))"
      by auto 
    then obtain  t :: "'t" and p :: "real"
      where prefix_full: "prefix (t,p)" 
      and Yes:"A >< (CP)  (t,p)"
      and No: "¬(S >< P  (t,p))" by auto
    from prefix_full prefix_iff_trace_is_prefix have prefix: "prefix t" by simp

    let ?Z = "Zcan t"
    from Yes relation_uc prefix have PrEx1: "PrExecT ?Z A (CP) t = p" by metis
    from Yes relation_uc prefix have p_nonzero: "p> 0" by metis
    from PrEx1 prefix construct_canonical_env2  prefix 
      have LHS: "PrExec ?Z A (CP) True = p" by auto
    from No relation_uc p_nonzero prefix have "p  PrExecT ?Z S P t" by blast
    moreover have "PrExecT ?Z S P t = PrExec ?Z S P True"
      using construct_canonical_env2 prefix   by simp
    ultimately have RHS: "PrExec ?Z S P True  p" by simp

    from LHS RHS  have "PrExec ?Z A (CP) True  PrExec ?Z S P True" by arith
    from this Eq show "False" by blast


section "Relating UC to RHP"

abbreviation RHPrel
  "RHPrel (t:: 't itself) W W'  
        ( m :: 't . prefix m   (W  m  W'  m))"

abbreviation RHP
  "RHP C (t:: 't itself)   P . case (C P) of (Some CP)   RRgen (RHPrel (t:: 't itself)) (CP) P
                                          | None  True                                  

context UC 

theorem RHPtoUC:
  fixes C ::"('uc,'uc) comp"
  fixes ttype :: "('t × real) itself"
  assumes A: "RHP C ttype"
  shows " (P::'uc prgm) . case (C P) of (Some CP)  CP UC-emulates P | None  True"
using RSCHPtoUC assms 
  by (smt (z3) UC.relation_uc not_Some_eq option.simps(4) option.simps(5)) 

theorem UCtoRHP:
  fixes C ::"('uc,'uc) comp"
  fixes ttype :: "('t × real) itself"
  assumes A1: " (P::'uc prgm) . case (C P) of (Some CP)  CP UC-emulates P | None  True"
  shows "RHP C ttype"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume CF: "¬ (RHP C ttype)"
  then show "False" 
  proof -
    from CF obtain P  where  CF':"
          ¬( case C P of None  True
          | Some CP 
              A. S. m :: ('t × real). prefix m 
                          A >< CP  m = S >< P  m)" by auto
    hence " CP . C P = Some CP"   using option.simps(4) by fastforce
    then obtain CP where SomeCP: "C P  = Some (CP::'uc prgm)" by auto
    from CF' SomeCP have "¬(A. S. m :: ('t × real). prefix m 
                          A >< CP  m = S >< P  m)" by auto
    then obtain A where  NotRSCHP: " (S::'uc ctxt).
      ( m :: ('t × real) . prefix m   (A >< CP  m)  (S >< P  m))" by auto

    from A1 SomeCP have "CP UC-emulates P "  by (smt (verit, del_insts) option.simps(5)) 
    then obtain S where Eq: " (Z::'env) . (PrExec Z A (CP) True = PrExec Z S P True)" by blast
    from NotRSCHP have "(  (t::'t) (p::real) . prefix (t,p)  ((A >< (CP)  (t,p))  (S >< P  (t,p))))" by auto 
    then obtain  t :: "'t" and p :: "real" and AY and AN and PY and PN
      where prefix_full: "prefix (t,p)" 
      and Yes:"AY >< PY  (t,p)"
      and No: "¬(AN >< PN  (t,p))"
      and Dunno: "(AY  = A  PY = CP  AN = S  PN = P)
                 (AN  = A  PN = CP  AY = S  PY = P)"
      by metis
    from prefix_full prefix_iff_trace_is_prefix have prefix: "prefix t" by simp

    let ?Z = "Zcan t"
    from Yes relation_uc prefix have PrEx1: "PrExecT ?Z AY PY t = p" by metis
    from Yes relation_uc prefix have p_nonzero: "p> 0" by metis
    from PrEx1 prefix construct_canonical_env2  prefix 
      have LHS: "PrExec ?Z AY PY True = p" by auto
    from No relation_uc p_nonzero prefix have "p  PrExecT ?Z AN PN t" by blast
    moreover have "PrExecT ?Z AN PN t = PrExec ?Z AN PN True"
      using construct_canonical_env2 prefix   by simp
    ultimately have RHS: "PrExec ?Z AN PN True  p" by simp

    from LHS RHS  have "PrExec ?Z AY PY True  PrExec ?Z AN PN True" by arith
    from this Eq Dunno show "False" by fastforce 


section "Translating UC results to programming languages"

lemma RRGen_is_transitive [simp,trans]:
  fixes P1::"('b) prgm"
  fixes P2::"('i) prgm"
  fixes P3::"('r) prgm"
  assumes trans: " a b c . rel12 a b  rel23 b c  rel13 a c"
  assumes A: "RRgen rel12 P1 P2"
  assumes B: "RRgen rel23 P2 P3"
 shows  "RRgen rel13 P1 P3"
  fix A
  from A obtain S2 where R1: "rel12 (A >< P1) (S2 >< P2)" by auto
  from B obtain S3 where R2: "rel23 (S2 >< P2) (S3 >< P3)" by auto
  from R1 R2 trans have R3: "rel13 (A >< P1) (S3 >< P3)" by simp
  then show  " S. rel13 (A >< P1) (S >< P3)" by auto

(* First, we need transitivity for RSCHPrel. *)
lemma RHPrel [simp,trans]:
  fixes ttype :: "('t × real) itself" 
  assumes A1:"RHPrel ttype a b"
  assumes A2:"RHPrel ttype b c"
  shows "RHPrel ttype a c"
using A1 A2 by blast   

(* Second, for RHP compilers. *)
lemma RHPbind_trans [simp,trans]:
  fixes ttype :: "('t × real) itself" 
  fixes C1 ::"('a, 'b) comp"  
  fixes C2 ::"('b, 'c) comp"   
  assumes A1:"RHP C1 ttype "
  assumes A2:"RHP C2 ttype "
  shows "RHP ((λ x. ( C1 x) >>= C2)::('a, 'c) comp)  ttype"
shows "RHP (λ x. bind (C1 x) C2)  ttype" *)
  fix P
  show "case bind (C1 P) C2 of None  True
         | Some CP 
             A. S. m::('t × real). prefix m 
                         A >< CP  m = S >< P  m" 
  proof (cases "bind (C1 P) C2")
    case None
    then show ?thesis by simp
    case SomeC1P:(Some C2P)
    then have " C1P . (C1 P) = Some C1P  (C2 C1P) = Some C2P" by (meson bind_eq_Some_conv) 
    then obtain C1P where 
        C1P: "C1 P = Some C1P"
      and  C2P: "C2 C1P = Some C2P"   
      by auto
    from C1P A1 have "A. S. m::('t × real). prefix m 
                         A >< C1P  m = S >< P  m"  by (smt (verit, best) option.simps(5)) 
    from this C2P A2 have "A. S. m::('t × real). prefix m 
                         A >< C2P  m = S >< P  m"  by (smt (verit, best) option.simps(5))
    thus ?thesis using C1P C2P by (smt (verit, best) SomeC1P option.simps(5)) 

context UC

theorem implementUC:
  fixes UCC::"('uc,'uc) comp" (* This can be seen as one for more UC results. *)
  fixes C1 ::"('b ,'uc) comp"  
  fixes C2 ::"('uc,'r ) comp"  
  fixes ttype :: "('t × real) itself"  
  assumes AUCC: " (P::'uc prgm) . case UCC P of (Some UCCP)  (UCCP) UC-emulates P | None  True"
  assumes AC1:  "RHP C1 ttype"
  assumes AC2:  "RHP C2 ttype"
  shows "RHP (λ x. C1 x  UCC  C2)   ttype"
  from UCtoRHP AUCC have ACUCC: "RHP UCC ttype" by simp
  from RHPbind_trans AC1 ACUCC have CM: "RHP (λ x. C1 x  UCC) ttype" by simp
  let ?C1UCC = "(λ x. C1 x  UCC)"
  from CM AC2 RHPbind_trans[of ?C1UCC C2] have "RHP (λ y . ?C1UCC y  C2) ttype" by simp
  thus "RHP (λ x. C1 x  UCC  C2)   ttype" by auto  


fun Behav :: "'a whle ⇒ 't set"
    "Behav(W) = { t . W ↝ t }"

abbreviation program_agree
 "program_agree P1 P2 (ttype:: 't itself) ≡ 
     ∀ T::'t set. ((∃ A1 . Behav(A1 >< P1) = T) = (∃ A2 . Behav(A2 >< P2) = T))

abbreviation program_agree
  "program_agree P1 P2 ttype   C . (C P1) = Some P2  RHP C ttype"

theorem (in UC) UCcompiler1:
  fixes ttype :: "('t × real) itself"  
  fixes Pb::"'b prgm"
  fixes Pr::"'r prgm"
  fixes pi::"'uc prgm"
  fixes F ::"'uc prgm"  
  fixes C:: "('b,'r) comp"
  assumes FuncAgree: "program_agree Pb F ttype"
  assumes ProtAgree: "program_agree pi Pr ttype" 
  assumes Cdef1: "C Pb = Some Pr"
  assumes Cdef2: " x. x  Pb  C x = None" 
  (* Direction ⟹ *)
  assumes AUCC': "pi UC-emulates F"
  shows "RHP C ttype"
proof -
  fix P A 
  obtain C1 where C1agree: "(C1 Pb) = Some F" and
                  C1RHP: "RHP (C1::('b,'uc) comp) ttype" using FuncAgree by blast  
  obtain C2 where C2agree: "(C2 pi) = Some Pr" and
                  C2RHP: "RHP (C2::('uc,'r) comp) ttype" using ProtAgree by blast
  define UCC where UCCdef: "UCC  λx ::'uc prgm . if x = F then Some (pi::'uc prgm) else None"  
  have AUCC:
    " (P::'uc prgm) . case UCC P of (Some UCCP)  (UCCP) UC-emulates P | None  True"
    using AUCC' UCemulates_reflexive UCCdef by auto
  let ?bigC= " (λ (x::'b prgm). C1 x  UCC  C2) :: ('b,'r) comp"
  have RHP: "RHP (?bigC) ttype" using
        implementUC AUCC C1RHP C2RHP 
    by blast
  let ?smallC = "λ x. if x = Pb then ?bigC x else None"
  have CisSmallC: " x . C x = ?smallC x"
    fix x
    have "C x = ?bigC x" when X: "x=Pb" 
      using C1agree C2agree UCCdef Cdef1 X  by auto 
    have "C x = None" when notX: "xPb"
      using Cdef2 notX by auto
    show "C x = ?smallC x" by simp   
  then have "RHP ?smallC ttype"  using RHP by simp
  from this CisSmallC show ?thesis by auto

theorem(in UC) CompRCimplCompUC :
  fixes tt::"('t×real) itself"
  fixes C::"('p,'r) comp"
  assumes RHCC:"RHP C ttype"
  fixes P::"'p prgm"
  fixes pi::"'uc prgm"
  fixes F ::"'uc prgm"
  assumes FuncAgree: "program_agree P F ttype"
  assumes ProtAgree: "program_agree pi (C P) ttype"
  shows "pi UC-emulates F"
  fix A::"'uc ctxt"
  show "∃ S . (∀ Z . PrExec Z A pi True = PrExec Z S F True)" proof
    have "∃ A' . (Behav(A' >< C P)) = (Behav(A >< pi)::('t×real) set)"
      using ProtAgree by auto
    then obtain A' where
      ProtBehavEq:"Behav(A' >< C P) = (Behav(A >< pi)::('t×real) set)" by auto
    then obtain S' where  BehavInd:"Behav(A' >< C P) = Behav(S' >< P)"
      using RHCC by blast
    hence "∃ S . poly_time S F ∧ (Behav(S >< F)) = (Behav(S' >< P)::('t×real×nat) set)"
      using FuncAgree prog_agree_one_dir by auto
    then obtain S where PolyS:"poly_time S F"
        and FuncBehavEq:"Behav(S' >< P) = (Behav(S >< F)::('t×real×nat) set)" by auto
    hence "Behav(A >< pi) ≅ Behav(S >< F)" using ProtBehavEq BehavInd by metis
    hence "∀ Z ∈ ZClass . PrExec Z A pi True ≈ PrExec Z S F True" using PolyA PolyS Behav_PrExec by auto
    thus "∃ S . poly_time S F ∧ (∀ Z ∈ ZClass . PrExec Z A pi True ≈ PrExec Z S F True)"
      using PolyS by auto

lemma (in UC) noUCnoRHP:
  fixes ttype :: "('t × real) itself"  
  assumes A1: "¬ (CF) UC-emulates F"
  assumes A2: "C F = Some CF"
  shows "¬ RHP C ttype"
using A1 A2 RHPtoUC 
  by (smt (verit, del_insts) option.simps(5)) 

theorem (in UC) UCcompiler2:
  fixes ttype :: "('t × real) itself"  
  fixes Pb::"'b prgm"
  fixes Pr::"'r prgm"
  fixes pi::"'uc prgm"
  fixes F ::"'uc prgm"  
  assumes AA2: "program_agree pi Pr ttype"
  assumes AA3: "program_agree F Pb ttype"
  assumes AA4: "program_agree Pr pi ttype"
  fixes C:: "('b,'r) comp"
  assumes AC1: "C Pb = Some Pr"
  (* Direction ⟹ *)
  assumes ARHP: "RHP C ttype"
  shows "pi UC-emulates F"
proof(rule ccontr)
  assume notUC: "¬ pi UC-emulates F"
  then show False
  obtain C1b where C1bagree: "(C1b F) = Some Pb" and
                  C1bRHP: "RHP C1b ttype" using AA3 by blast
  obtain C2 where C2agree: "(C2 pi) = Some Pr" and
                  C2RHP: "RHP C2 ttype" using AA2 by blast
  obtain C2b where C2bagree: "(C2b Pr) = Some pi" and
                  C2bRHP: "RHP C2b ttype" using AA4 by blast

  define UCC where "UCC  λx ::'uc prgm . if x = F then Some (pi::'uc prgm) else None" (* Note was x before *)
  from notUC UCC_def have "¬ pi UC-emulates F" by presburger
  from this UCC_def RSCHPtoUC' obtain A where  "  S . m::'t × real.
               prefix m  
               A >< pi m    S >< F  m" by metis
  from this UCC_def obtain A where  Last: "  S . m::'t × real.
               prefix m  
               A >< pi m    S >< F  m" by metis

  have " Cr .  S . m::'t × real. prefix m  
               Cr >< Pr  m    S >< F  m" 
    from C2bRHP C2bagree have
      Side1: "A. S. m::'t × real . prefix m  A >< pi  m = S >< Pr  m" by (smt (verit, del_insts) option.simps(5)) 
    from C2RHP C2agree have
      Side2: "A. S. m::'t × real . prefix m  A >< Pr  m = S >< pi  m" by (smt (verit, del_insts) option.simps(5)) 
    from Side1 Side2 Last show ?thesis  by meson
  then obtain Cr where  " S . m::'t × real. prefix m  Cr >< Pr  m    S >< F  m" 
    by meson
  hence NoSim: " S . m::'t × real.
               prefix m  
               Cr >< Pr  m    S >< F  m" using C2agree by blast

  from ARHP AC1 obtain Cb where 
    Bla1:" m::'t × real. prefix m  Cr >< Pr  m = Cb >< Pb  m" by (smt (verit, del_insts) option.simps(5))
  from C1bRHP C1bagree obtain S where 
    Bla2:" m::'t × real. prefix m  S >< F  m = Cb >< Pb  m" by (smt (verit, del_insts) option.simps(5))
  from NoSim obtain m::"'t × real" where "prefix m" 
      and "Cr >< Pr  m    S >< F  m"  by blast
  from this Bla1 Bla2 show "False" by blast
